Cables Jam

We are starting a new cables jam that you can participate in, right now.

The theme of this jam has been decided by our competent and international table of experts to be "Lights & Shadows".

Rules are simple and as follows: "Use at least the differen light-ops in your patch".

If you want to enter the competition, start patching, make sure you follow the rules, tag your patch with cables_jam_03 and make it public. Be done by 21.12.2020 00:00:00 CET (that is the night from sunday to monday).

We will then do a screening of the patches in the week following the deadline and announce the winners on our Discord session on 23.12.2020.

Not sure where to start? Well...

Here are the ops of which you have to use at least two:

And here is a recording of the livestream where we present the release that featured all these ops (starting at around 21 minutes in). 

We hope that gets you rolling and inspired. Can't wait to see what your come up with!

the jam team

Shadertoy to cables tutorial – part 01

We've just released the 1st part of a new tutorial series on how to port shaders from Shadertoy into cables gl. 
There's also a new section on the documentation with a guide on how to recreate the uniforms.

GLTF ops tutorial – 02

The 2nd part of the GLTF op tutorials will show you how to prepare and import a more advanced model with textures inside of cables

New tutorial video – GLTF ops – 01

Cables gl now supports the GLTF 3D model file format.
Learn how to import a simple GLTF file, assign materials and convert files into a format that cables can use with this new video.

New tutorial video – Preset op

The preset op allows you to store the state of ops and their parameters. This allows for state management inside of your patches. Learn how to get started with the op in this new tutorial video.

Map range op tutorial

The map range op allows you to remap the range of a value to a new one.
It can also be used to clamp values and to create chains of animations.
Learn how to use it with the latest tutorial video.

Interactive rectangle op tutorial

Learn how to use the interactive rectangle op to create an onscreen slider inside of cables with this new tutorial video.