August 2024 Update

A new update to, with new features, quality of life improvements and some bug fixes.

Read up on all the changes in the changelog, or continue reading to see how we improved working with HTML and CSS, how you can now manage and rename ops directly in the editor, and how you keep track of everything that might go wrong while patching.

Sounds interesting? Let's start...

HTML/CSS Workflow

HTML and CSS are the bread and butter of every web developer. Even when working in 3D-Space, you might end up using CSS, since that is what the browser is more used to.

We added Ops that make it easier to create CSS code - without actually writing it - and integrated HTML-Elements into some of the well known cables workflows.

HTML Overlay Mode

The Overlay you already know from 3D-Scenes, Models, Meshes will now show you, which HTML-Element you are currently working on.
Simply turn on "Overlays" by pressing "o" and select (for example) the new Element op that you want to find.
HTML Element Picking

You can also go the other way around: do you want to know which Op creates a certain HTML-Element on screen?

Press control and hover the element in question to highlight it. Clicking it will then take you to the Op that controls it.

Stay In The Editor

New Patch Outline

You will find the new Patch Outline when clicking on any empty space in your patch. It will show you a tree-view of your current patch, no matter how simple or complex it is. Click the icons to select the parts of the patch you are interested in.

Easy access to all the features available to structure your patches (areas, comments, colors, bookmarks, ...) should help everyone find what they are looking for in a breeze.
Rename Op

To keep you in "The Zone" while patching, you can now rename Ops from within the editor. No more opening another browser tab and then reloading the patch.

Use this new feature to rename your SubPatches right where you created them. You know you forgot what "SubPatch0" does, already...don't you?

Small Mistakes, Keep Control

To give everyone a bit more insight on what is actually happening "behind the scenes" - what might what actually does go wrong - we revisited error-handling in and cables standalone

This should help clarify which errors are critical, which ones are on the authors of the op, on the users of the op, or on us...

New Console

We created our own dev/error/info-console, so that not everything is hidden away in "dev tools", and to make it easier for you to take a look.

We are also revisiting what we deem an error. But for now and also in the future: if the console pops up, then something is broken, so please send a report 😉

...check out the changelog for more features, improvements and fixes.

Stay tuned for the upcoming new version of cables standalone!

Make sure you give us feedback! Talk to us on social media, on discord or on github discussions.

Team Cables

cables is brought to you by

If you want to see some special feature integrated into cables,
contact us to see if we can make it happen.

The following users helped to make this release possible by their membership on Patreon.

matti - thanks for your "Platinum" membership
kikohs - thanks for your "Gold" membership
wirmachenbunt - thanks for your "Gold" membership
keepitvisual - thanks for your "Gold" membership

Thank you!