CSV data visualization tutorial

Learn how to get started with data visualization inside of cables.
This video will show you how to visualize data from an imported CSV file.

Meetup Cologne, November 2019

Our first cables meetup in Cologne was held at the offices of undev last tuesday.

Since it was the first meetup we partly focused on general concepts in cables and a short introductory "workshop". Our old friend and cables "urgestein" dino offered to give some insights into his winning "three dee" demo gerade aus

The "family and friends" turnout was really goof.  There was a nice atmosphere and we hope everyone had a fun and educational evening.

We'd like to thank everyone for joining us and promise to have these on a more regular basis (think: bimonthly, last tuesday of month) in Cologne as well.

Stay tuned (on slack, twitter or email) for the announcements and a vote on the topics of the next evening. Please feel free to drop any suggestions beforehand via either of these channels.

See you soon, cologne-cables-crew!

credits: photos by fraumimimi (left) and stephan (right)

Interactive rectangle op tutorial

Learn how to use the interactive rectangle op to create an onscreen slider inside of cables with this new tutorial video.

Pixel projection op – Byte size

The latest byte size video will show you how to use the pixel projection op to map objects in 3D space to a pixel based co ordinate system.

November 2019 Release

We've been hard at work to roll out another update for cables gl.
From now on we  will show you a summary of newest ops and features on this, our new blog 🙂

Editor and GUI Changes

Brighter Background

We changed the background color of the patchfield. When you see this the first time, it might be kind of shocking, but the patch is more readable than before and UI elements are more distinguishable.

Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

We integrated a new tab for the Keyboard shortcuts. Now you don't have to leave the editor to look at them. The list is not 100% complete right now, but will be extended in the near future.

Editor Icons

Editor tabs now have a color coded type indicator, this makes it easier to find and read the tab you're searching for.

Assign Variables directly to Ports

This is very helpful if you are dealing with lots of variables, or using the new preset op. Instead of using lots of VarGet Ops, you can directly attach variable values to ports.

New Phong Material

Phong material op has many more features and options than the previous versions.

The different diffuse and specular modes allow for much more freedom in getting the look that you want. We also added more textures to use the material with.
Furthermore, we reworked our lighting system. It is now easier to use multiple lights (up to 16) in your patch. Whilst before only point light illumination was possible, now there are 4 different types of lights that can all be used in conjunction to illuminate your patch: PointLight, AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, SpotLight. These only work with the PhongMaterial for now, so make sure you use it if you want illumination!

See all Phong Ops


The new midi out ops will allow you to transmit Midi notes, NRPN and CC data to any external sequencer or hardware. Midi messages can be generated with data from all of our ops, this opens up generative ways to create midi data that can be again used to drive your cables patch with our midi input ops.

More New Ops

Op Enhancements

- Ops.Gl.Orthogonal_v2 - added axis switch
- Ops.Array.ParseArray_v2 - shows error indicator when invalid numeric values
- Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.DrawImage_v2 - transforms also apply to alpha mask
- Ops.Trigger.Repeat_v2 - now direction of index can be selected
- Ops.Devices.TouchGesture - added active bool input
- Ops.Gl.Meshes.SimpleSpline - performance improvement
- Ops.Json3d.Mesh3d - can now load meshes with vertexColors
- Ops.Gl.Meshes.PointCloudFromArray - performance improvement when updating coordinates regularly
- Ops.Devices.TouchScreen has force output - tested with apple pencil pressure/ipad pro
- Ops.Math.AddUp - reset trigger
- Ops.Gl.Shader.MatCapMaterialNew - added opacity texture
- Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.ScaleTexture - now has a mask input to control the scale with a texture
- Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiNote - added array out option for multiple notes
- Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiCC - added array out option for multiple cc values

Renamed and Deprecated

- Rename Ops.Gl.Matrix.ViewMatrixTranslation to Ops.Gl.Matrix.cameraPosition
- Rename Ops.Gl.CanvasSize to Ops.Gl.CanvasInfo
- Rename Ops.Value.ValueBoolean to Ops.Value.Boolean
- Rename Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Scroll to Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.ScrollTexture
- Rename Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Circle to Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.CircleTexture
- Rename Ops.Value.ValueHub to Ops.Value.NumberSequence
- Rename Ops.Gl.Textures.Text_v2 to Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v2
- Rename Ops.Gl.Textures.Graph to Ops.Gl.Textures.GraphTexture
- Rename Ops.Json3d.Json3dScene2 to Ops.Json3d.Scene3d_v2

- Deprecated Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiKeyPressed
- Deprecated Ops.Value.ValueChanged
- Deprecated Ops.Value.ValueStringEditor
- Deprecated Ops.Gl.Particles.PointCloudFile
- Deprecated Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiSend
- Deprecated Ops.Devices.Midi.LaunchPadScroller

Meetup Berlin 12th of November

We'd like to focus on people being active with cables in this upcoming meetup so we'll be giving a short beginners workshop that will last around an hour. This will start at 19:15.

After that we hope that you'll stick around and get creative with cables and ask us any questions you might have with patches your working on or things you may be stuck with.

A<FESTIVAL – Katowice

The nice people of antyRAMA organize a yearly festival spanning different fields of art, architecture, socialstudies, technology and more. This year we're proud to share that we were invited to hold a workshop on "data visualization" for the first three weekdays leading up to the main festival weekend.

We held a mostly hands-on workshop on how to use cables in general, we added a bit of talk about the general problems when working with public data and then went on to show how to use cables to visualize data. The main idea was to take some "open data" provided by the Medialab Katowice to visualize the air pollution in the city.

Our wonderful host told us that Katowice used to have/has a huge problem with pollution, mostly due to it's history in being a coal-mining city. We wanted to know whether the given data supported this, and if so which parts of the city suffered from this the most.
All participants were given the same set of data and a rundown on how to integrate this into their patches. In the end every participant went home with their own, individual representation of the air pollution in Katowice.

The final presentation consisted of one patch made by one participant of the workshop as well as our own interpretation of the data. Given the quite limited amount of time (about 12 hours of workshops) and also the fact that we started from scratch with a blank screen we were really impressed by the outcome. We hope the participants learned a lot of new things, we sure did learn a lot about teaching data visualization, working with geodata and CSV and how to run a supernice festival.

Viique's presented patch
cables patches shown/used 

New video tutorial – cables file manager – import files

This third introductory video will show you how to use the new and improved file manager system inside of cables.
We also cover how to import files and how to open the editor and clone an op.

Wide awake Earth – An interview with Artur Neufeld


One of our long time users Artur Neufeld created an amazing web experience with cables.
We asked him if he could do an interview with us to explain more about how the project came to be.

Links : 

1 - How did this project start out, what were the end goals?

Wide Awake is the brainchild of illustrator Friederike Hantel and fashion designer Ethel Vaughn. The project started as Friederike’s master thesis, and she contacted us at Selam X and asked just for some guidance and tips, on how to approach such a project on a larger scale. So we met for a coffee and just started talking about the project, its possibilities, and its potential. We were instantly intrigued by her ideas and style and were on board immediately and decided, that the potential of the project would be untapped if the whole collection would just be a bland online shop like any other. So we decided to go all-in on the holistic approach, treating the project as a brand and elevating it with a multimedia treatment. The goal was to launch the collection with a big bang, so it can be taken more serious on the international stage and get the attention that it deserves. We were all in this project because we think it is something worth to support, so it started more as a personal project, but we of course hope, that it will get bigger as we go.

2 - Can you elaborate on how the creative process led to the final result?

The first meeting with Friederike was back in September of 2018. It turned out, that she and I live basically in the same neighborhood, so it was easy to meet up, discuss plans and creative directions on a semi-regular basis. In the beginning, we had even more ambitious plans, from AR and face filters to VR and motion cap. One core idea of the project was its collaborative spirit, so we asked other creators to pitch in ideas and transform her imagery into something new. 3D artists brought her visuals to a different dimension, sound designers brought the visuals to life, makeup artists, models, and photographers delivered fitting images for the lookbook. All participating creators had absolute creative freedom, and that made the project so fun and diverse. The concept for the website shifted dynamically, as we got new visuals from the other creators and the main challenge was to wrap everything into a coherent story. In the end, we went with the concept of layers, closely related to the aesthetic of comic books. So the creative process was really a trial and error kind of thing, were we ping-ponged ideas and visuals, and at some point, someone would say “What if we would do that?”. So. e.g. that the lookbook pictures would open to fullscreen, with the borders and visuals aligning dynamically, was just an idea that came naturally after I received her first sketch for the lookbook visuals. 

3 - Why did you decide to use Cables to build this web page?

The first draft of the website already had this idea of a visual journey, the working title was “Kosmos” since we wanted to tell a story that went from the universe scale all the way to the microscopic level. As mentioned, the concepts shifted and changed a lot, so only remnants of the kosmos idea survived in the end. I was glad to use Cables in this process since its modularity allowed me to quickly change ideas on the fly. At some points, the journey was more of an auto scroller, so adding e.g. the possibility to scroll the scenes with the mousewheel was easy to implement, without the headache of refactoring the logic all the time. So the dynamic creative approach went hand in hand with cables modularity, which made the whole process a lot more fun. Otherwise, I am sure, I would have been more reluctant to new ideas and more careful when discussing new possible features or concepts. Now I could say “yeah that’s a neat idea, not sure if it is possible but let me quickly make a prototype”. And Cables enabled me to have this mindset.

4 - Can you tell us about any challenges that you faced during the development process?
In the end, we had this huge amount of layers for the interactive WebGL journey, around 300 to 400 individual PNGs. So as you can imagine, this resulted in all kinds of issues, from performance to loading times and Http requests, this layering approach was influencing everything. So one challenge was optimization, so from enabling gzip on the serverside, to carefully squeezing every bit from each PNG with different compression methods, to baking different image effects right into the PNGs, like blur/neon effects, and splitting the whole thing into thematic scenes. In the end, I would say, that the loading time is still too long, but we were at a point, that the only way to improve the loading time, would be to cut out scenes or reduce the overall amount or quality. So we decided to sacrifice a few seconds on the loading time in the end because the result was interesting and unique enough to justify that decision in our opinion. 

5 - Anything else you want to share?

Mhh just as a tip for newcomers, or anyone using cables, in general, I guess: Get accustomed to the CLI that Cables provides. In this project, I needed to tweak values all the time and needed to see it in action on my dev server, so I quickly hacked together a python script that automates the process of getting the new patch file from the Cables API. That alone really speeds up the workflow when working with bigger and more complex patches. Another thing I really learned to appreciate is the impact of a good compression method for assets. Since our PNGs had a limited color palette and big chunks of transparent areas, I could save up to 80% of the filesize, by using something like PNGQuant in a batch operation. If you don't have hundreds of images, you can also use something like TinyPng on your assets, before going to production with the project.

We’d like to give a big thank you to Artur for taking the time to respond to us. We can’t wait to see what other projects he’ll come up with.

One of our long time users Artur Neufeld created an amazing web experience with cables.
We asked him if he could do an interview with us to explain more about how the project came to be.

Wide awake earth 

How did this project start out, what were the end goals?

Wide Awake is the brainchild of illustrator Friederike Hantel and fashion designer Ethel Vaughn. The project started as Friederike’s master thesis, and she contacted us at Selam X and asked just for some guidance and tips, on how to approach such a project on a larger scale. So we met for a coffee and just started talking about the project, its possibilities, and its potential. We were instantly intrigued by her ideas and style and were on board immediately and decided, that the potential of the project would be untapped if the whole collection would just be a bland online shop like any other. So we decided to go all-in on the holistic approach, treating the project as a brand and elevating it with a multimedia treatment. 

The goal was to launch the collection with a big bang, so it can be taken more serious on the international stage and get the attention that it deserves. We were all in this project because we think it is something worth to support, so it started more as a personal project, but we of course hope, that it will get bigger as we go.

Can you elaborate on how the creative process led to the final result?

The first meeting with Friederike was back in September of 2018. It turned out, that she and I live basically in the same neighborhood, so it was easy to meet up, discuss plans and creative directions on a semi-regular basis. In the beginning, we had even more ambitious plans, from AR and face filters to VR and motion cap. One core idea of the project was its collaborative spirit, so we asked other creators to pitch in ideas and transform her imagery into something new. 3D artists brought her visuals to a different dimension, sound designers brought the visuals to life, makeup artists, models, and photographers delivered fitting images for the lookbook. All participating creators had absolute creative freedom, and that made the project so fun and diverse. The concept for the website shifted dynamically, as we got new visuals from the other creators and the main challenge was to wrap everything into a coherent story.

In the end, we went with the concept of layers, closely related to the aesthetic of comic books. So the creative process was really a trial and error kind of thing, were we ping-ponged ideas and visuals, and at some point, someone would say “What if we would do that?”. So. e.g. that the lookbook pictures would open to fullscreen, with the borders and visuals aligning dynamically, was just an idea that came naturally after I received her first sketch for the lookbook visuals.

Why did you decide to use Cables to build this web page?

The first draft of the website already had this idea of a visual journey, the working title was “Kosmos” since we wanted to tell a story that went from the universe scale all the way to the microscopic level. As mentioned, the concepts shifted and changed a lot, so only remnants of the kosmos idea survived in the end. I was glad to use Cables in this process since its modularity allowed me to quickly change ideas on the fly. At some points, the journey was more of an auto scroller, so adding e.g. the possibility to scroll the scenes with the mousewheel was easy to implement, without the headache of refactoring the logic all the time. So the dynamic creative approach went hand in hand with cables modularity, which made the whole process a lot more fun. Otherwise, I am sure, I would have been more reluctant to new ideas and more careful when discussing new possible features or concepts. Now I could say “yeah that’s a neat idea, not sure if it is possible but let me quickly make a prototype”. And Cables enabled me to have this mindset.

Can you tell us about any challenges that you faced during the development process?

In the end, we had this huge amount of layers for the interactive WebGL journey, around 300 to 400 individual PNGs. So as you can imagine, this resulted in all kinds of issues, from performance to loading times and HTTP requests, this layering approach was influencing everything. So one challenge was optimization, so from enabling gzip on the serverside, to carefully squeezing every bit from each PNG with different compression methods, to baking different image effects right into the PNGs, like blur/neon effects, and splitting the whole thing into thematic scenes. In the end, I would say, that the loading time is still too long, but we were at a point, that the only way to improve the loading time, would be to cut out scenes or reduce the overall amount or quality. So we decided to sacrifice a few seconds on the loading time in the end because the result was interesting and unique enough to justify that decision in our opinion.

Anything else you want to share?

Mhh just as a tip for newcomers, or anyone using cables, in general, I guess: Get accustomed to the CLI that Cables provides. 
In this project, I needed to tweak values all the time and needed to see it in action on my dev server, so I quickly hacked together a python script that automates the process of getting the new patch file from the Cables API. That alone really speeds up the workflow when working with bigger and more complex patches. 

Another thing I really learned to appreciate is the impact of a good compression method for assets. Since our PNGs had a limited color palette and big chunks of transparent areas, I could save up to 80% of the filesize, by using something like PNGQuant in a batch operation. If you don’t have hundreds of images, you can also use something like TinyPng on your assets, before going to production with the project.

We’d like to give a big thank you to Artur for taking the time to respond to us. We can’t wait to see what other projects he’ll come up with.