Week three of our Nodevember with cables community challenge wrapped up and we got some more sweet patches to look at!
Great to see the participants challenging themselves with new techniques and approaches and we are taking notes!
We linked a few here and to see more just browse the #nodevember tag in our public patch library. You can also check out the #cablesgl #nodevember tags for more patch videos and patch links on social media.
If you'd like to participate and nab a super cool cables.gl sticker and shirt - there is still plenty of time left.
To enter, publish a patch on the cables.gl site with the #nodevember tag or post a video of your patch on social media with the tags #nodevember and #cablesgl .
Check out the official #Nodevember2021 prompts to get inspired and then go wild.
Set your own patch rules and show the world what you can make with cables.gl!

Here are the Official channels and hashtags to keep an eye on:
Insta: NodevemberIO (@nodevemberio)
Twitter: Nodevember (@NodevemberIO)
hashtags: #cablesgl #nodevember #nodevember2021
New to cables? No worries, check out our Youtube channel Tutorials and Instagram videos with links to users' patches to get started!
And see you on Wednesdays on our Discord!