Congratulations to all of the participants in our very first #Nodevember with cables challenge! The month long patching extravaganza finished up with more great patches that we were all excited to see.
November 2021 Release
skins and bonesHi all,
#Nodevember with cables
Week three recapWeek three of our Nodevember with cables community challenge wrapped up and we got some more sweet patches to look at!
If you'd like to participate and nab a super cool sticker and shirt - there is still plenty of time left.
#Nodevember with cables
Week two recapWith week 2 of #Nodevember with cables challenge behind us, we got sweet looking and inspiring patches published by you, nice!
#Nodevember with cables
Week one recapWith the first week of the #Nodevember cables challenge behind us, we've already got some great patches out in the wild thanks to you!
As the online event gets into week two, we are eager to see what you will create. Get inspired by the suggested official topics to start your patch, the #nodevember online community, or try out a personal challenge.
Participate in #Nodevember
with cables.glLogicX Virtual Showroom 2021
by WirmachenbuntYou might have noticed while browsing this month's top voted patches that cables user known as Wirmachenbunt posted a public preview of an interactive scene. The project slice that we get to pick apart and learn from is part of the new LogicX Virtual Showroom website driven by cables graphics and includes some cool stuff under the hood.