#Nodevember with cables

Week three recap

Week three of our Nodevember with cables community challenge wrapped up and we got some more sweet patches to look at!

Great to see the participants challenging themselves with new techniques and approaches and we are taking notes!

We linked a few here and to see more just browse the #nodevember tag in our public patch library. You can also check out the #cablesgl #nodevember tags for more patch videos and patch links on social media.

If you'd like to participate and nab a super cool cables.gl sticker and shirt - there is still plenty of time left. 

To enter, publish a patch on the cables.gl site with the #nodevember tag or post a video of your patch on social media with the tags #nodevember and #cablesgl .

Check out the official #Nodevember2021 prompts to get inspired and then go wild.

Set your own patch rules and show the world what you can make with cables.gl! 

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#Nodevember with cables

Week two recap

With week 2 of #Nodevember with cables challenge behind us, we got sweet looking and inspiring patches published by you, nice!

Here are just a few of them for you to play with and learn from.

Check out our Nodevember website section and the social media #nodevember #cablesgl tags for even more publicly published and top secret experiments from our community as the challenge continues into the 2nd half of the marathon.

If you'd like to participate and have some fun with the official #nodevember creative topics, all you have to do is publish your cables patch with the #nodevember tag set in the settings.  

To share it with the global event online audience and our team on social media - tag a video of your patch with #nodevember #nodevember2021 #cablesgl .

Have some questions or want some help with a patch you want to share? We will continue to checkout the challenge with you during our Weekly Meetups on our Discord.

Thanks to all participating so far and we are looking forward to week 3! 
Join in!

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#Nodevember with cables

Week one recap

With the first week of the #Nodevember cables challenge behind us, we've already got some great patches out in the wild thanks to you!

You'll notice we have a new section on our frontpage showing the latest patches tagged with #nodevember and of course find posts from our community on the official channels.

We encourage you to check out and take apart the patches, remix them and share them with the world! 

As the online event gets into week two, we are eager to see what you will create. Get inspired by the suggested official topics to start your patch, the #nodevember online community, or try out a personal challenge.

We'll continue to explore #nodevember with you during our Weekly Wednesday Meetups on our Discord - just drop in and join in the fun.

... and in case you are wondering about the event - check out our previous blog post for details and how to get your hands on some cables stickers and shirts!

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Participate in #Nodevember

with cables.gl

During the month of November, the digital arts community breaks out their nodes and shader graphs to craft a variety of goodness in their software of choice in the online event called #nodevember. It is a month of creative challenges and inspiration driven by topics shared by the organizers

Since cables.gl beta has launched we are continuously blown away by the creative tools and amazing artwork that you create. This Nodevember we invite you to flex your prowess with cables.gl and participate online by following the prompts shared by the Nodevember organizers. 

You set your own challenges - create interactive WebGL patches, try creating 3D meshes from arrays, create wild Image Compose shaders to drive WebAudio or maybe only use a Basic Material. Anything goes, but in the spirit of Nodevember, the main challenge is to create demonstrations without relying on imported 3D models, sampled music, photographs, HDRIs - you get the point. You can take a look at the suggested constraints in the "Additional Info" section on the Nodevember site here.

We are excited for you to take the challenge in the next month and are eager to see what you create. Follow the prompts as they are revealed and see what ideas come to mind for your cables.gl patches. We will dedicate our Weekly Wednesday Meetups in November to help guide your creations and answer questions related to sharing your works at the event.

Once you are ready to post your artwork online - please capture a video of your cables.gl patch and post it online under the hashtags #cablesgl #nodevember #nodevember2021. 

The goal of the event is to spread the word and inspire others.

...and win cables.gl shirts and stickers! 

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LogicX Virtual Showroom 2021

by Wirmachenbunt

You might have noticed while browsing this month's top voted patches that cables user known as Wirmachenbunt posted a public preview of an interactive  scene. The project slice that we get to pick apart and learn from is part of the new LogicX Virtual Showroom website driven by cables graphics and includes some cool stuff under the hood. 

We absolutely had to sit down and ask some questions about how the studio was able to achieve this great looking website. Here is our interview and be sure to check out the links at the bottom for a closer look!

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September 2021 Release

Matcaps 'n' stuff

Hey there,

after taking a bit longer for the last release we decided to put this one out a bit quicker.

This release contains over one hundred bugfixes and improvements for features we introduced in the last update. Thanks much for testing, reporting and be sure to continue with the feedback on our forum, official discord and github issue tracker! As always you can look at all the changes in the official changelog.

Cool but what about the NEW stuff? Glad you asked and we would love to draw your attention to two bigger things.

One is a creative tool made in cables by our very own Patch Master Bagoof to create assets for your projects -  even for use in other pieces of software!

The other one will help make your 3D models be a lot smaller and hence load faster.

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August 2021 Release


Hey there,

it has been some time since the last release. But this one was worth the wait.

We tackled roughly 270 issues with this one, some of these where reported in the public issue tracker. Thanks to "tastez", "kikohs", "n4hui", "dino5711", "krisj", and "prestonoutatime" for reporting these!

With this release we introduce a whole new editing experience to you.

After we changed some of the icons, moved around menus and made the whole editor look a bit more polished, this time we went all in and are finally switching to our new full WebGL 60FPS patch editor. 

Having the editor itself no longer draw ops and cables to SVG but being completely rendered in WebGL gives massive improvements in regards to performance and a lot of new possibilities for improvement.

This has been in development for over a year, has been an option "on dev" for some months and the undev team battle-tested it over the last four months in real world projects.

We feel it's ready and hope you like all the shiny new stuff. We'd love to hear some feedback!

What's in there:

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Made with Cables

In our new series "made with cables" we try to give you some behind-the-scenes tricks and insights on how people approach certain challenges in real-world projects.

The first episode tells us a bit of the story behing massiveBASS which we (undev) made in cooperation with the kids.


Bad Manners Records BM7

Gesloten Cirkel

NEW EP BM7 - Gesloten Cirkel on Bad Manners Records teaser microsite: