June 2023 Release – Part I

create and collaborate

Team Up!

The last release gave "Extensions" to the cables-community. A way to contribute your code to cables. This release gives all the power of this into the hands of "Teams".

Because it's a huge release, with some major changes, we will also split the presentation of it into a few more posts.
This one being about how to collaborate on and share ops with the cables-community.

Before we dive in, as you know, you can find all the changes that went into this massive release in our changelog.

The real talk for this is in the docs. As "RTFM" is really rude, we will give you a quick rundown of how to work with Patch Ops, User Ops, Team Ops and Extensions.

All of these are tied together in teams. They are the new and improved way to collaborate on patches and ops. Teams then can share these - be it with your friends, coworkers or the whole community.

Continue reading... "June 2023 Release – Part I"

December 2022 Release

unwrapping presents

Wrapping it up...

...so you can unwrap it again.

The end of the year usually sees some action in tying up loose ends, trying to get things finished and into a clean state.
The same goes for cables.gl. With this update we bring a lot of smaller bugfixes, "quality of life" improvements and we
build further on the foundations laid out in the last releases.

Check the changelog for a comprehensive list of all the changes if you are eager to jump right in. As always, we will highlight a few notable changes in a small post right here. So continue reading!

Continue reading... "December 2022 Release"

October 2022 Release

changes on the meta-level

New Toys To Play With...

...and a lot of smaller changes, improvements and bugfixes come with the third cables.gl-release of 2022.

This post will lead you through all the changes and improvements that we added to cables in the last few weeks.
If you just want the tl;dr, check out the changelog or watch our "Release Chat" on YouTube.

We'd love to hear your feedback, let us know!

Continue reading... "October 2022 Release"

June 2022 Release

Hot Summer Updates!

Here we GO!

Our second release of the year 2022 is stacked and packed for launch. Take your time, grab a juice and dip into all the new things that we added to your toolbox. We added lots of new workflows and Operators, we rewrote and improved some of your old favorites, made the website stronger and faster, and polished some details!

Everything is ready for you in the cables.gl editor NOW, so patch some cool art and share your creations!

For all fans of changelogs and text only mode - dive into the deep end here .

OK, let's take a tour!

Continue reading... "June 2022 Release"

February 2022 Release

everything is shiny

Hey Everyone,

we hope you all got into 2022 well, and to keep you on your toes we prepared a nice release of cables.gl for you. The first release of the year is - again - packed with new features, lots of improvements and some bugfixes.

As always, you can go through everything that has changed by skimming the changelog. We'll try to cover the biggest changes in this post for you though. Also, check our youtube channel in the next few weeks for big and small tutorials of everything new in cables.

So, what's new?

Continue reading... "February 2022 Release"

Happy New Year!

2021 with cables

Happy new year, everyone!

It has been a great big year in the cables-universe - we made a lot of changes, improved stuff that was already there and added new features. We even fixed one or two bugs!

The cables-community was busy and growing in 2021 - we see a lot of new people in our regular meetups, registered users are constantly increasing and so is the number of created and published projects. Keep up the good work, and join the discussion on discord, the forums and the public issue tracker.

If you feel lost, need a quick introduction or want to know how to use new features, check our YouTube channel that revved up again in the second half of 2021 with a new tutorial video every week. Like, subscribe, comment...as they say!

Shall we dive into what happened in the last 12 Months? Well, let's!

Continue reading... "Happy New Year!"

#Nodevember with cables

2021 Challenge completed!

Congratulations to all of the participants in our very first #Nodevember with cables challenge! The month long patching extravaganza finished up with more great patches that we were all excited to see.

It sure wasn't easy balancing work, life and creative brainstorming prompted by the official topics but we all enjoyed seeing your posts each day! To all of the participants, we've prepared a small package of goodies to ship out - expect those soon!

Check out what everyone whipped up for last week of the challenge below and you can always see the rest of the submissions in our past blog posts and of course the #nodevember tag in the cables.gl patch library.

Continue reading... "#Nodevember with cables"

November 2021 Release

skins and bones

Hi all,

another release, quite quickly after the one in September but still a massive one. You can see what working on almost 250 issues does on the official changelog, as always.

Worth mentioning in this release are definitely some pretty nifty new features in the UI of the editor. Like grouping Ops into areas or having small visualizations directly next to your Ops. But more on that in a few seconds...

GLTF support in cables got a big update as well with support for skinning, bones and a bit of performance optimizing if you are working with DRACO compression. Time to fire up blender!

We also worked on updating documentation, adding a few more "tips" to the "did you know"-panel. Did you know these exist and you can turn it back on in editor settings?

Continue reading... "November 2021 Release"

#Nodevember with cables

Week three recap

Week three of our Nodevember with cables community challenge wrapped up and we got some more sweet patches to look at!

Great to see the participants challenging themselves with new techniques and approaches and we are taking notes!

We linked a few here and to see more just browse the #nodevember tag in our public patch library. You can also check out the #cablesgl #nodevember tags for more patch videos and patch links on social media.

If you'd like to participate and nab a super cool cables.gl sticker and shirt - there is still plenty of time left. 

To enter, publish a patch on the cables.gl site with the #nodevember tag or post a video of your patch on social media with the tags #nodevember and #cablesgl .

Check out the official #Nodevember2021 prompts to get inspired and then go wild.

Set your own patch rules and show the world what you can make with cables.gl! 

Continue reading... "#Nodevember with cables"

#Nodevember with cables

Week two recap

With week 2 of #Nodevember with cables challenge behind us, we got sweet looking and inspiring patches published by you, nice!

Here are just a few of them for you to play with and learn from.

Check out our Nodevember website section and the social media #nodevember #cablesgl tags for even more publicly published and top secret experiments from our community as the challenge continues into the 2nd half of the marathon.

If you'd like to participate and have some fun with the official #nodevember creative topics, all you have to do is publish your cables patch with the #nodevember tag set in the settings.  

To share it with the global event online audience and our team on social media - tag a video of your patch with #nodevember #nodevember2021 #cablesgl .

Have some questions or want some help with a patch you want to share? We will continue to checkout the challenge with you during our Weekly Meetups on our Discord.

Thanks to all participating so far and we are looking forward to week 3! 
Join in!

Continue reading... "#Nodevember with cables"